Tantra Body-Work

Tantric bodywork  (experiential, touch therapy, energy massage)

 Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to your tantric journey!
What are the benefits of experiencing tantric 'somatic' bodywork?

*surrender * pleasure * sexual healing * leisure * love * nurturing * sublime

Tantric bodywork is an immensely arousing, relaxing, restorative & integrative experience, and one that I feel privileged to offer as I bear witness to the pleasure and joy that unfolds!  Here's a few reasons people are drawn to this experience.

You feel stuck in a rut & have never felt waves of pleasure

There's a distinct sense of longing for sexual and/or spiritual expansion

A lack of vitality has created a barrier to intimacy

You feel lonely & crave a soothing connection

You experience feelings of vulnerability block your capacity to embrace closeness

Your self-esteem has been eroded (emotionally and physically - body image can be a huge barrier to overcome for many)

You're unable to experience orgasm during 'normal' sex (& have heard about these body orgasms!)

Your body & soul desires an experience that equates to a more deepening into the heart

You are looking to awaken your senses and dive deeper into feelings of bliss (blocked, disillusioned or simply ready to explore your sexual peaks)

Quietly you are suffering from sexual dysfunction or illness

Or, maybe you simply wish to surrender and enjoy Tantra Massage as an escape from stress & doorway to ecstasy!

No matter what you're feeling, now that you've landed here, I'm sure that you're keen to learn even more about how this sublime, transcendental session can enhance your whole life.

Combining my own 'mindful qi touch technique' it is my honour to take you on a somatic sensory journey by first introducing a transcendental state of calmness & comfort.  We slowly settle into the practice of peaceful surrender via meditation & breath; body relaxation begins with the easing of energy gently up through your spine.

Beginning from the base (root chakra), slowly the energy is encouraged to flow through up into your heart space.

Be patient and kind to yourself gorgeous ones, as this is a sublime journey at the best of times, so do trust that I will guide you every step of the way! This I can assure you will enable a deeper awakening and energetic release that can manifest into a most sublime, sensual & life enhancing experience.

Once your lower three chakras (1st Base, 2nd Sacral & 3rd Solar Plexus) have been engaged, surrender and trust becomes natural...and this is what can then take you on one of life's most inspiring & ecstatic journeys encompassing the body-mind-spirit connection.

It's exhilarating, a natural high as oxytocin is released.

The aim of tantric bodywork practice is to enrich all parts of your being by incorporating mindful touch in a way that exposes vulnerability yet reinforces your own capacity for growth, expansion and empowerment. The more we can evoke your deepest acceptance of this alignment of energetic, spiritual/sexual forces - the greater your feelings of safety, peace, strength, virility and overall wellness.

For me, it is imperative that the Base & Sacral Chakras are given attention so that you may feel inspired to delve into the richness of your 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) which corresponds with feelings around self-esteem, identity & success. This, you may not realise, is in fact where the most significant 'seat of kundalini energy' sits, as it correlates to the whole person. Once subtle energy is flowing free within polarity of the masculine and feminine balance, my focus is to support you in experiencing a vibrational bodily felt sense of pleasure - a transpersonal plane of nurturing & deep loving which may correspond with unspeakable feelings similar to 'happy, sexy, confident, light, blissful or simply non-stressed.

Transcendence has been described by many of my clients as exhilarating, as they begin to notice the simmering and tingling beneath their skin. There's an aura of peace and clarity, then once the energies are ignited, you may consciously bear witness to your own deep unfolding as the kundalini awakens - this is your gift and the ultimate in alignment, healing and expansion into blissful, body orgasm!

Ladies, would you like to know more about what a gorgeous yoni massage experience may offer you?

It’s been a common thread in conversations and events I've held over the past three years, to hear many women say they've never experienced an orgasm. Our gorgeous, flowing feminine body is a majestic gateway; one that 'births' and creates, one that embodies love and sexuality in all its grace.

When fully connected to one's heart centre, the creation is a portal to an awakening of sensual pleasure so profound that it is important we are honoured accordingly.

 Orgasm, Sexual Energy and pleasure is your key to Feminine Wisdom. Open it; embrace it, immerse yourself deeply in to the very essence that gives love and life to our World!

Tantric Bodywork for Healing or Leisure

(Men & Women)

90 minutes                 $350
2 hours                        $450

-Enquire for prostate info & rates
All sessions are to be requested and confirmed by telephone discussion.

Therapeutic & Healing

Tantra massages can be very intense & yet they are sensual; stimulating arousal in a way that is holistic and very unique in that this traditional practice allows for the presence of any discomfort to be gently honoured and released. Breath awareness helps build connection and enhances your experience as energy centres in your body are heightened. With your permission I will engage you more deeply with breath & intuitively follow your body's response to energetic touch. Your body may awaken to deeper sensations and I will hold this space energetically, following your cues and focussing on your response.

WOMEN: As a trained counsellor I am mindful that if you have experienced any sexual trauma or have fear of intimacy and this is your first therapeutic bodywork experience, I would prefer to work with you in an energetic healing session. I will ask to meet and discuss how comfortable you feel with being touched so that we may confirm boundaries.

Heart & Soul Nurturing

Be held in a way that allows you to relax, rejuvenate and feel loved as your spiritual wellbeing becomes the focus of gentle touch & hugging. Please do note that a one hour session tends to be more sensual in style given that tantric breathwork, yab-yum positioning takes a bit more commitment on your part.

Orgasmic / Sensual fulfilment

During these final moments in session, I will ask how you feel and whether you may like to hold the energy for a little longer as this is the aim so that you may experience tantric body orgasm.

 Intuitive and therapeutically trained, this session offers you a rare opportunity to relax, unwind - alleviate stress and pamper yourself, allowing me to deliver an experience which will not only enable men to sustain better, longer lasting erections but for both men & women can lead to being more self aware & secure in your own body (Sacral/base chakra healing).

Being more content & stress free (a healthy balance between mind & body) equates to having a healthier outlook on life. Having a great relationship with your self first means that you will be more capable of attracting more intimate, healthier relationships.

 Please, do spoil yourself with the optimum in sensuality and divine self love....

*Longer sessions incorporate attention to breathing, focussing, meditation and heart massage. Also included is therapeutic discussion as there may be significant energy shifts.

Requests for additional time will be considered depending on your experience, and we can cost this accordingly.

< I’m unique in that I have chosen not to see couples for this session; instead focussing my energy upon one person. Why? Because we are all unique.. Often a client may surrender and become vulnerable during a session, hence I wish to hold this space fully for your personal wellbeing>